
Contribute now! Your tax-deductible contribution to the Stillwater Public Education Foundation helps build a better future for the Stillwater community and its students–the leaders of tomorrow.

Your financial gift can be in the form of a direct donation to SPEF (cash, check, credit card, stocks, etc.) or as a memorial or tribute gift. You can also specify that your contribution directly support the general fund or one of several endowment funds described below.

Your contribution will make a difference.

We invite you to become a friend of the foundation and make a personal commitment to the education and future of our young people.

Gifts to the Stillwater Public Education Foundation may be earmarked for any of the funds listed below.

This fund is used to support the Foundation’s teacher grants which are awarded multiple times throughout each school year, along with other SPEF programs and activities. SPEF has awarded more than $1.8 Million in grant funding since the foundation was founded in 1984, benefiting Stillwater school children at all grade levels and at all school sites.

This endowment fund is used to support the Adopt-an-Author program. This program brings nationally recognized authors and illustrators to Stillwater to spend time in the elementary or secondary schools. Students have the opportunity  to talk and interact with authors and illustrators, while learning about their careers and inspirations. Authors and illustrators must be booked well in advance.  The annual interest gained from this fund guarantees that school planners can count on the availability of funds each year.

Hundreds of Stillwater Public School band students honed their craft under the direction and patience of Charles P. Hall, a former junior high band director who has passed away in 2004. Now, because of a $15,000 memorial contribution presented to the Stillwater Public Education Foundation, SPS band students will continue to benefit from Hall’s legacy through the Charles “Charlie” P. Hall Band Endowment Fund. Hall taught instrumental music in SPS for 25 years and positively influenced many young people. Through this endowment, the band program can purchase needed equipment, music, etc., and continue to benefit from Hall’s legacy.

SPEF is in the process of building an endowment fund to provide a reliable source of future income. The foundation wants to continue to build the endowment fund while at the same time, funding annual projects. When fully funded, the endowment will provide a perpetual source of funding for supplementing our children’s education needs. This is a lofty goal that can be met with your support.

The beautiful new Performing Arts Center on the campus of Stillwater High School is an asset to our educational system and the community. It provides a tremendous opportunity to students interested in the performing arts and music. The PAC Endowment Fund will support the many activities housed in the center, as well as facility needs.

Interest from this endowment fund is used each year to present a cash award to the Stillwater Teacher of the Year, as well as monetary gifts to the Teachers of the Year from each school site. Larry Gish was an active member of the Stillwater community, serving as City Manager from 1966-83 and also in the OK House of Representatives from 1984-91. Mr. Gish came from a family of educators and it was his dying wish to find a way to show local teachers that their dedication and commitment to Stillwater school children is highly valued and appreciated.  SPEF is honored to help the Gish family accomplish Mr. Gish’s desire through this memorial endowment.
By designating your gift to the Onward Arts campaign, your donation will be used to increase opportunities for Stillwater Public School students to engage with the arts.  The arts is a essential subject for our students’ education, yet one that often gets overlooked in terms off instruction and funding.  SPEF is proud to be a part of offering these opportunities to Stillwater Public School students.  
During Jenifer’s tenure as SPEF’s Executive Director, the organization donated more than $750,000 to Stillwater schools, of that, nearly $300,000 came through the Tech 2 Teach initiative.  Through this fund, Jenifer’s legacy will be carried on and will be used to provide funds for technology necessary for Stillwater Public School teachers to keep up with the latest advances in instruction.