Onward Arts Campaign
Our goal is to increase opportunities for Stillwater Public School students to engage with the arts.
This school year that means sending our high school students to the McKnight Center to see STOMP and assisting the after-school drama program at our elementary sites.
• STOMP will bring the rhythm of New York to Stillwater! The eight-member troupe uses items like matchboxes, wooden poles, brooms, garbage cans, and hubcaps fill the stage with magnificent rhythms. STOMP is an inventive and invigorating stage show that’s dance, music, and theatrical performance blended together in one electrifying rhythm.
• After school drama program for 3rd-5th grade students – SPS will offer a 9-week after-school drama program at each of the elementary school sites. SPEF will provide scholarships for students to attend this program and funding for start-up expenses, such as props, scripts, and transportation.
We reached out to State Representative Trish Ranson to tell us a bit about the way she sees the Onward Arts campaign benefitting Stillwater students. Here is her response
“The arts is a subject essential to our students’ education, yet one that often gets overlooked in terms of instruction time and funding. Exposure to the arts can do a lot to influence children in how they see themselves, how they relate to the world, and how they can successfully insert themselves as positive, active members of our communities. It is these soft skills, learned through the arts, that will benefit our society for years to come.
SPEF has long been an integral partner to our public schools. With the addition of the McKnight Center for the Performing Arts, SPEF and SPS now have access to world-renowned artists and masters in their field. I am excited by the possibilities for Stillwater students and families. The arts have a way of bringing people together like no other.”
SPEF is proud to be a part of offering these opportunities to Stillwater Public School students and we ask that you help us reach our goal by giving a tax-deductible donation to SPEF today!