About SPEF

Our Mission:  Building strong community connections and support for Stillwater Public Schools.

Our Vision: Provide support for innovative and creative programs, equipment and opportunities that enhance the learning and experiences of the students and educators of Stillwater Public Schools.

Stillwater Public Education Foundation, instituted and chartered in 1984, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation. The idea for SPEF began with local citizens, Board of Education members and school administrators who wanted to become more effective in dealing with the financial difficulties facing public education.

The foundation is based on the essential premise that meaningful enrichment programs and innovative instructional materials are not attainable solely through traditional funding sources. Active community involvement provides the means for the SPS student body to receive the superior education for which Stillwater is known.

Since the foundation’s inception, more than $1.8 Million has been provided to SPS classrooms through our teacher grants and technology initiatives, positively impacting thousands of Stillwater students.

SPEF relies on the support of parents, grandparents, businesses, educators, alumni and friends of the Stillwater school system to fund our grants and programs.  We invite you to make a wise investment that will make a difference in the lives of children today and in the future.

The dollars raised sponsor creative SPEF projects such as interactive and problem based learning programs for all areas of curriculum; supplies for music, art, science and math;  research for libraries; the Adopt-an-Author reading and writing program; and technology enhancements.

Please become our partner in maintaining excellence in Stillwater Public Schools by contacting SPEF today at 405.707.5006 or email spef@stillwaterschools.com . A contribution form is available for download on our website for your convenience.  Credit card gifts can also be honored by phone or placed online via PayPal.

Thank you for supporting Stillwater Public Schools!

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