Jenifer Bartley Wishing You All the Best

Incoming SPEF Executive Director Ashlee Robertson has been on the job now since March 1. We’ve had a great month of training and are finishing up our transition. Effective today, April 1, Ashlee will fully take over as Executive Director. I will be around for another two weeks in more of a supporting role to help continue the smooth transition. My last day will be April 15.

Thank you for a fantastic 12 years. It has truly been a pleasure and honor to lead Stillwater Public Education Foundation.  I’m very proud of all that we have accomplished to benefit SPS teachers and students during my time as Executive Director. I appreciate all of the incredible and generous support SPEF has received over the years from businesses and individuals in the community, who value public education and have contributed to our success.

While it’s certainly a little bittersweet to leave this position which I have loved so much, I am completely confident in Ashlee and the SPEF Board of Trustees as they move forward. I am excited to see SPEF carry on its mission and grow under Ashlee’s direction. I look forward to continuing my support of SPEF and Stillwater Public Schools in other ways in the future.

Wishing you all the best,

Jenifer Bartley